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A UPFH existe porque as pessoas são importantes. Nós nos esforçamos para ser a primeira escolha de todos em termos de saúde. Como uma organização sem fins lucrativos, todo o dinheiro que ganhamos dos pacientes e dos seguros é usado para cuidar daqueles que não podem pagar os seus pagamentos médicos.

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UPFH gives free eye exams and glasses to those in need, including to Title 1 school children, accepts patients from private dentists who can't afford their dental services, offers emergency psychiatric evaluations & counseling, has an in-house pharmacy, provides medical visits, often free, to some of Salt Lake County’s most vulnerable populations, and offers discounts based on income and family size. Supporting UPFH directly supports a strong, safe community and economy.


Our 2024 focus is on Vision & Dental which are often not covered by insurance. Having operated a mobile vision clinic for 15 years, UPFH has witnessed thousands of children struggling to read or see a chalkboard. In dental care, our patients suffer from an inability to afford critical services like cavity fillings and root canals. This causes pain, illness, missed work & school, and leads to costly ER visits when left untreated. UPFH is committed to providing these services despite last year’s 30% decrease in federal funding.

Because of UPFH’s generous community supporters, we have never turned away a patient due to the inability to pay. Your donation today helps us keep it that way!

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